Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

IRC gathering 28 & 29 April 2009 - Fantastic job by Kannan

Mr George Neoh
Mr Tan registering his friend

Mr Tan & Friends

Mr Kannan & Family

Nelson in the house!

Mr Kannan did a fantastic job today by getting 3 pairs and he is on FIRE!!! There will be more to come and he is the fastest earner in our group at the current rate.

IRC Online System

This is the online member page. All income can be seen here along with all your members.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

RM1,000 in 2 weeks.

This is the fastest I've ever seen comparing to other MLM pay out. As soon as you join you can track your earnings daily. Where others you must wait until end of the month before you get to know how much you've earn.

I did not believe it at first when I heard and seen people earning RM5,000 to RM10,000 or more within a month. This is because of the awsome system. Currently I am only able do this after my working hours and I've already achieved more than RM1,000 in 2 weeks. I really hope by the end of this month, my network will grow faster and bigger.

Along the way, I would also want to help all my friends to build a steady monthly income during our economy crisis. I'll be planing for a weekly meeting from next month onwards if everything goes well. Thank you all for your support and thank God for his countless blessings.
For further details please call me (Vincent Lee) at 014-6152791 or email me at Hope to hear from you soon.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

IRC at Gurney Drive by June/July 2009

I went to Gurney Tower to take a snap shot of the location. Good bye MAMBO and welcome IRC...This will be a hot spot soon...We can all eat and make money at the same time. Yahoo!!!

Saturday at IRC 25.4.2009

Was a fruitful evening when Kak Lily brought 2 of her friends to IRC. They will be joining by end of this month. Josh was there as well and he was not feeling that well. Get well George we need you to help us to register new members =) IRC was really pack tonight majority was from BAHA's group...They are really a strong team and my aim is to be like them or better than them with God's blessing...
Once our group becomes stronger, we will be starting weekly meetings where we can call all our friends to join us and to get to know about IRC. The potential here is great and we are able to build a steady monthly income with the system.

I know that we all can do it...I know our group will grow at a rapid rate...

Friday, April 24, 2009

IRC today ^_^ 24.4.09

Tonight was great. Manage to meet up with Calvin Chan and I'm glad that he has gotten 3 stars waiting to be paired. Maggie and Desmond was chit chatting on how IRC concept is acceptable to everyone and also to catch up on old times. Also with us was Kak Salmah, duduk pun ada gaya macan Jutawan!

As for me, I'm thankful and within this 2 weeks things went really well and I know that it will be even better next month for all of us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I will be late tonight

I will arrive at IRC around 10pm tonight because will be going for a family cousin's lil baby girl's full moon =) See you guys later

Kak Salmah - Inspiring true story of success

I've heard of Kak Salmah many times since I join IRC on the 10th April 2009 and only spoken to her once. After doing her sponsoring she came by an sat down with us at our table and started to chit chat for an hour. Although she is successful now but she still remember her strive all this years.

Kak Salmah was a cleaner at Hitachi which is located at Bayan Lepas. She join IRC in January 2009 and only started to sponsor 12 people directly under her at first. She worked really hard by helping her direct sponsors to get more members and now she is earning RM50,000 as at 22.4.2009.

From a cleaner to a successful lady that is earning currently earning so much and she mentioned that makan saja put dapat duit and her secret to success is to belanja makan roti and minum kopi. Within this 4 months her network grew and now she has bought 2 new houses...

This is a true story of success which I saw with my own eyes. Really respect her for her effort. She really motivated me to do even better and also to help more of my friends along the way.
This really reminds me of a lesson which I've learned...
I can, you can & we all can do it!
We Eat Together, We Earn Together, We Enjoy Together

IRC gathering 22 April 2009 Another Success!

At IRC, Crystal Point

We saw Kak Salmah busy sponsoring people.

Mr Khor brought some friends from China to IRC. Cai Mao the guy on the right is keen to join us soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A sucessful gathering on 21.4.09

I was at IRC by 6pm and it was good because Calvin came by. Later, Sandy from The Star that came over too and I manage to talk her and some of her friends. By, 8.30pm, Melvin came over with 3 of his friends and he started presenting and did a good job. At around 9.30pm, my dad came in with his friends along with Mr Tony. The night became interesting when Peter Ong (my upline's direct sponsor). He opened his account and shown us and all of us were blew away when we saw the amount of income he generated in a day/month. The night ended well and we left at 12am.
HOT & SPICY Chicken Chop

Blue Angel

Average daily income of RM10K-RM15K a day for Peter

Melvin showing off his presentation skills

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gathering at IRC 20.4.09

There were around 15 of us. With Mr Peter and Wife, Joshua and Wife, Patsy and friends along with Sharon and her group of friends too.

IRC in Mainland, Penang

Raja Uda

Bukit Mertajam

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Breakfast at IRC

Was at IRC this morning for breakfast. Took some snap shots of it the manu. The food was good and actually much cheaper than some places. I ordered the 1st set which comes with scramble eggs, 2 sausages, hash browns, green beans, bread and also a choice of coffee or tea. It's a must try for only RM4.90

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Monday Night Gathering!

Looks like I'll be slightly late on this Monday. I will reach IRC by 9.30pm coz work ends at 9.00pm. Anyway, it's always good to be up there meeting people and being able to help them.

Invitation open to all, drop by and have some drinks. I'll be there until 11.30pm. See you there.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fantastic Promotion for Members

To all MEMBERS and NON MEMBERS of IRC. Great News!!! Special Promotion for those who achieve targets. For members you stand a chance to win one of the above prizes. As for the non members, dont worry you can join us today by contacting me (Vincent) at 014-6152791. Don't miss out this great opportunity.

We Eat Together, We Earn Together, We Enjoy Together

IRC gathering 17 April 2009

The gathering started at 8pm when most of us arrived at the Island Red Cafe. Mr Tony and son was there. Later Irwin and Melvin came along with 3 more friends. I'm glad that Mr Khor came by with 2 friends and was very delighted when Calvin came. The group is growning stronger and stronger as days goes by. Thanks to the support which my friends are giving me with the help of my dad too. I'm very grateful that the gathering was a success. There will be more to come.

We Eat Together, We Earn Together & We Enjoy Together

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Potential Network Growth & Paring Bonus

This calculation is based on the criteria that we find 2 person each day/week. This is also calculated based on those who register for the RM360 package. By the 5th Day/Week we would already have gotten 32 person in our network. This brings to a total of 16 pairs and since we are only entitled for 15 pairs bonous per day, we would have gotten a total of RM756 per day if we were to calculate using the Paring Bonus.

From then on as our network grow, we will have a steady daily income based on Pairing Bonus. As for those who move fast the potential is great. Just take a look at the 12th Day/Week, we have a total of 4096 members in our network. This is where the big $$$ comes in for us.

It's simple to do, just eat and recomend friends to join as a member. RM360 is all you need and you can get back your returns within 3 Days/Weeks. Happy recruiting.

We Eat Together, We Earn Together, We Enjoy Together

Meeting at Island Red Cafe

We will be having a meeting at Island Red Cafe on 17 April 2009 [FRIDAY] at 8.00pm onwards. Please feel free to invite all your friends there. Don't miss out this opportunity to eat and earn. See you there.

For more details please contact me (Vincent Lee) at 014-6152791

We eat together, we earn together, we enjoy together

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Opening at Gurney Drive SOON!

Great News! IRC will be opening at Gurney Drive soon. Grab this opportunity to be a member, eat and get paid. Contact me, Vincent Lee @ 014-6152791

Full Marketing Plan

Below is the full marketing plan, please do feel free to contact me (Vincent Lee) at 014-6152791. See you soon.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Potential Daily & Monthly Income

These are the 5 potential income just for paring and jackpot.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pics of IRC Penang

Was at IRC for dinner just now and snap some photos. Place was pack as usual.